Federated timeline


Moi qui voulait juste bricoler avec @clevercloud et @cloudflare, je m'attendais pas à tant de merdier !

After more linking to subdomains of r2.dev, I decided to try to find out what that is.

It turns out to be @cloudflare's Unstructured Storage platform (R2, S3, get it?). It's super-popular with phishers, but if you try to visit r2.dev/ you just get a TLS error, which looks a bit amateurish for an outfit as big as Cloudflare. If I were them, I'd at least put a link to an abuse form there.

Meantime, you can probably assume emails containing an r2.dev URI are spam.

Is it just me or have others been getting emails from @cloudflare about deprecating services, and promoting the insentives to upgrade to paid plans?

I have been a customer since before they were big. So seeing these emails is starting to concern me about their current status.

With #auroras visible across large parts of the US, many are looking online for more information. Over the last day, peak request volume to Cloudflare's resolver for noaa.gov has increased ~50%, while requests for spaceweather.com are up 6x.

Since the release of Google Chrome 124 on April 17, we've been tracking post-quantum encrypted requests as a share of Cloudflare global HTTPS request traffic. Now you can too, in the new Post-Quantum Encryption Adoption graph in the Adoption & Usage section of Cloudflare Radar. Global, country, and ASN views are available. radar.cloudflare.com/adoption-and-usage

Another #Internet disruption is underway in #Gaza, as Paltel traffic to Cloudflare from Gaza Strip governorates dropped to zero around 09:00 UTC (12:00 local time). Connectivity in the region has been unstable since the start of the war with Israel in October 2023.

Hey @radar when will the search engine and Browser market share report for 2024 Q1 be published? They might be really interesting thanks to the digital markets act!

The rollout of Google Chrome 124 started yesterday, April 17, and it includes post-quantum key exchange enabled by default on desktop platforms. With that rollout, post-quantum encrypted requests have grown to over 5% of Cloudflare global TLS 1.3 request traffic.